Over the last decade, work from home has increased and it has its own challenges. Achieving your fitness goal and dream body shape needs a lot of time dedicated and effort as well.

But the recent workout has revolutionized and you can even do exercise at home using home gym equipment. Exercising bikes are modern fitness equipment and having one in your home can help you workout your muscles.

Recumbent bike vs spin bike
Recumbent bike vs Spin Bike

However, choosing the right equipment is important and each person has their perspective which one is better for them. Due to that, we look at different factors that are crucial in an exercising bike and let you decide which one would be best for you depending upon your needs.

Recumbent bikes are comfortable and are used to focus on the lower part of the body. There are displays and other features that help you workout while spin bikes are for a full-body workout and provide various riding positions.

Comparison Between Recumbent bike vs Spin Bike



Recumbent Bike

Spin Bike

1Sprint CapabilitiesTo Some DegreeYes, to the full extent.
2Fat Burning BenefitsNormalHigh
4VariabilityNo, can’t change positionsYes, there are many variables.

The Main difference between them is that

comparison recumbent bike vs spin bike

Factor that You need to Know Before Choosing:

Here are factors that you need to know before choosing the type of gym equipment that would be perfect for your daily home exercise .

1.Sprinting Capabilities

Sprinting might not be in your daily workout routine but as you develop muscle it becomes important to warm up by sprinting.

High-intensity interval training becomes your daily workout and this training can burn down calories and help you reach your goal much faster than normal training.

i) Recumbent Bike

They can be used for sprint training to an extent as they are not that intense as you can not go to top speed since you can’t change your position.

If you try to go at high speed, the bike will tend to bounce which can result in damage. But as far as normal sprint training goes, you can perform that on this bike.

ii) Spin Bike

They are generally made for interval training as they can get to top speed within seconds and allow you to go as intense as you want. Basically these bikes focus on alternating high and low periods to take you from 0 to 60 in seconds.

They are more efficient than recumbent in terms of sprinting capabilities as they are specifically made for sprinting.

2. Muscle Worked

When choosing exercise equipment for a workout, you need to look at which part of your body will affect it. Which one is best for muscle workout?

i) Recumbent bike

  • Quadriceps: Quads are the main muscles used when cycling and they are used to train quad and the longer you cycle, the stronger your muscles become.
  • Lower Part: In recumbent bikes, you can only train your lower part of the body including glutes, hamstrings, and the lower part of your legs.

ii) Spin Bike

  • Upper Body: By leaning forward and stabilizing yourself by gripping the handlebars, you can train your upper body and workout on the upper body’s muscles. And by maintaining a strong and stable spine on the spin bikes, you can train your back muscles.
  • Glutes: When you workout on it, your glutes will work with every pump strengthening the muscles. During intense workouts, your glutes will become strong.
  • Quadriceps: Quads are the main muscles and when you work out intensively, your muscles become strong. These muscles are used when cycling or climbing, it can make your legs strong.
  • Lower Leg: It helps you to develop lower leg’s muscles and helps you protect your ankle and feet while cycling and during everyday work.

3. Fat and Calories Burns

Spin bikes utilize the whole body and you can change your position while working out which results in more calorie and fat burning than recumbent bikes. According to research “At 40 watt spinning average person burns 250-350 calories “

It doesn’t mean that recumbent bikes don’t help burn fat and calories but the rate of burning is higher when you use spin bikes and intensity of the activity.

4. Variability:

The variability between spin and recumbent bikes is almost the same, the only difference is that spin bikes give you the ability to stand and move around freely while recumbent doesn’t.

However, both let you increase the speed and resistance of the flywheel as you want. If your workouts are only of leg part and don’t require you to stand up then you can choose recumbent and if you want an intense workout then the spin bike would be an optimal choice.

5. Programmability:

Programmability is an essential feature in modern-day machines as it gives a variety of options that can help you work out. Different exercise modes, calories, heart rate, and distance count are some of the features that you can avail.

i) Recumbent Bike

They are programmable and come with features like a console on the bike which has a display. It gives you a variety of programs and options to choose from and there are many working modes like fat burn mode, manual mode, and many more.

You can choose from among them according to your needs. Furthermore, you can customize and design your workout routines giving you options to work on things you think you need to focus on. This will help you achieve the result you want faster without getting you bored.

ii) Spin Bike

It  doesn’t usually come with a console and you can’t automatically program your routines but manually have to do it. You need to workout however you want and carry on with it by yourself.

This may allow you to change positions while working out but recumbent bikes are better than spin bikes in terms of programmability as they give a steady and variety of working out techniques.

5. FlyWheels:

The main difference between them is their flywheels. Recumbent bikes use lighter wheels that have a low impact on the ride making it easier for beginners to use while spin bikes use heavier wheels (35lbs) delivering maximum speed.

However, it requires some experience and expertise to train on spin bikes as not every beginner can fully use it. It can cause injury to beginners since they are not programmable but if you are looking for intensive training then spin bikes would be the best choice.

As you know, the human body can self-heal itself and it requires maintenance every once in a while to keep working in a perfect shape. You need to make sure that your body is getting the right amount of exercise to heal itself with full functionality.

It also helps keep your muscles strong and healthy. Here are some medical problems fixed by working out on these bikes.

What issue that Recumbent bike solve?

Here are some of the key benefits of using it:

  • Maintain mentally and physically health
  • High muscles engagement and strengthen
  • Whole Body workout

i) Back Problem While Riding:

Recumbent bikes offer a backrest to support your back while you ride them by the principle of total weight distribution that puts a minimum strain on your back.

The back of this bike’s seat equally distributes the weight while you sit on it to ensure there isn’t any problem with your back. In this way, your back doesn’t have to sustain weight as it is equally divided so you can do workouts with maximum effort.

ii) Reduce Belly Fat

Using a recumbent bike utilizes all the muscles of your body including the stomach’s resulting in the reduction of unnecessary fats. You can use a combination of cardio and exercise and abdominal muscle strengthening exercise to get rid of your belly fat.

It also strengthens the main muscles present in your stomach while getting rid of fat. Moreover, the structure of a recumbent bike ensures that every height and weight can adjust on it.


  • They are more comfortable and easier to use as you can program them however you like
  • There is no risk of any injury while riding these bikes even elderly or beginners can use them.
  • It comes with a digital display that monitors your heart rate, calorie level, and distance you run.
  • You can choose from different modes and customize your personal mode so you can train on your preferences.
  • Seat are easily adjustment


  • You can’t change your positions while you are riding it as there is no room to do so.
  • This bike can only develop and work on your lower part of the body including legs, glutes, and hamstrings.

What issue that Spin bike solve?

Here are some of the key benefits of using it:

  • Maintain mentally and physically health
  • High muscles engagement and strengthen
  • Whole Body workout

i) Strengthening Muscles of Body:

Spin bikes allow you to intensively train all parts of your body as you can change position while working out. There are various tension controls and resistance levels that you can customize and create your personalized workout routine.

Training your body in intervals from low-intensity workouts to high-intensity workouts will strengthen muscles and you can use this bike to strengthen any muscle from your body. You can train multiple muscles simultaneously and this also helps in burning calories at a good rate.

ii) Maintain Mental and Physical Health:

Spin bikes are the perfect equipment for maintaining your health as your body can automatically heal itself if your muscles are maintained. By using it, you can not only increase your muscle’s strengths but can also increase your stamina and improve cardiac health.

Due to the slow to high intensity of workouts, the blood starts flowing at a perfect level strengthening your immune system. With increased blood flow, stress and sugar level drops and keep your mental health at peace.


  • You can change your positions from sitting to standing and vice versa while riding this bike.
  • More versatile as it can deliver intense training at high speed in real-life practice.
  • Helps you engage both the upper and lower parts of your body in intense training helping you develop muscles from all around the body.
  • Can be used for every muscle group.


  • Is hard to use and puts more strain on the tailbone, knees, and spine as it requires some skill.
  • Not recommended for beginners, ill people or the elderly.


Choosing which one is better can be a difficult task as it depends on what the person choosing is looking for. For that reason, we have put different scenarios where recumbent or spin bikes can be used and are best.

You can compare those with your requirements and see which one will benefit you more. We hope that we were able to help you in choosing the right bike for you that meets your needs.

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